I struggled for a long time, thinking that my work didn't serve a big enough purpose because it wasn't bringing about debate over world politics or huge, serious topics. But, I overlooked the importance of the joy it is created to bring – the ordinary joy it celebrates and the joy it brings in the viewer every time it is enjoyed and seen by the person who buys it.
And this is where the concept of the Little Moments of Joy comes from.
Art doesn't need to be a huge canvas or hugely expensive to bring happiness. A small piece of Art, still created with the love and individuality of a big piece can still make your heart smile – perhaps even more so if it is in an unexpected place!
The World can feel like a heavy place at the moment. Many of us are feeling tired and weary from a constant stream of bad news and worrying headlines that land in front of us 24/7 whether we seek them out or not. It isn't helped by the fact that our brains are actually hard-wired to find and recognise the negatives in any situation – it is known in psychology terms as negative bias and it served us well in our caveman days to help us survive animal attacks and deadly weather events. It can even play a role today to help us recognise and navigate potential threats, but it also limits our ability to see and appreciate the positive moments, the moments of joy.
The stress we are under is often the accumulation of many small feelings of negativity, worry and tiredness – it's not usually just one big stressful happening that brings us to our knees. But this also means that it doesn't need to be one, massive joyful happening that lifts us back up again. We shouldn't under-estimate the power of micro-moments, little glimmers of joy throughout our day that accumulate and that can become and antidote to the stress. These little glimmers have a measurable impact on the nervous system – helping to restore a sense of peace, hope and safety that balances out the stress response.
It may be taking in a deep breath of fresh Autumnal air, listening to a bird sing, hearing the giggle of a baby – or enjoying a unique hand-painted mini piece of Art sat on your doorframe!
My Little Moments of Joy are small, but beautiful hand-painted original pieces are Art that can be placed upon a doorframe, a light switch, a skirting board – or really anywhere you can fit them. They are made to bring little glimmers of joy to your day as you pass by them – and as daft as it sounds, that joy can really be amplified by placing them somewhere that you wouldn't normally expect to find something joyful!
Get your unique Little Moment of Joy here